December 1, 2008

Eco Sightseeing

One of my first experiences after moving to SF was riding a cable car. Riding along the hilly streets of SF and seeing the amazing sights was exhilarating. As I traveled around the city, I was so surprised and impressed at how many buses did not require fuel. I noticed a huge number of electric "stings" hanging above the city. These " stings" power most of the public transit. As one who cares about environment, I love being able to tour the city and not worry about pollution.

November 8, 2008

When Mommy's Away

Cats, unlike dogs, always land on their feet. I accidently uncovered this truth when I was a small child. Many times I enjoyed playing this game with my cat. She never enjoyed it quite as much as me. I was amazed at how hard I worked stacking heavy chairs to climb; the higher the chairs, the longer the fall.

October 17, 2008

Nude Drawings

I tried to change a little bit differently from my style that I've drawn for nude. I enjoyed to draw like this style as well and am satisfied with the results. Hope you guys like these.

October 10, 2008

The Things

I have an imaginary animated movie that I made up, titled The Things. Its ending is not finished yet though. These are conceptual posters and title logos.


And this is one of my very beginning work, a concept art painting for a scene of The Things.

September 30, 2008

Animal drawings

I recently fall in love to draw animals, and here are some results. I usually try not to go a zoo because I don't want to see confined animals with sad eyes in their small cages. They look lethargic, so seems like they gave up everything, and it makes me upset though I enjoy seeing their looks. I'd go to East Africa for a safari if I got a chance. Then, maybe I could set my mind at easy and see them as much as I want. Anyhow, Finally, I'm going to San Francisco TOMORROW! I'm extremely excited about this, and very nervous as well. 

September 21, 2008

Welcome back Morgan!

The new season of Dexter is coming soon, and I've been looking forward to seeing it for a long time. Dexter Morgan the psycho path serial killer, who is disguised as a upstanding Miami citizen is also know as the mild-mannered Donut Guy at his office. In my opinion, he is one of the most fascinating characters we have come across in television in last several years. I really enjoy this show, especially when he is able to use his dead father's "codes" to maneuver himself skillfully out of suspicions way. I appreciate the shows unexpected stylistic qualities, in particular, the way Dexter's shifty eyes and uneasy expressions are doubled with a witty and clever narrative voice over. Not to mention, the opening sequence for each show is sheer genius, riddled with metaphor alluding to murder ad mayhem.

September 14, 2008

Sorry Kiddo

If we continue to exploit our natural resources, the ones who will have to suffer the consequences will be our next generation. Perhaps, they will blame us for the devastated Earth, as we stand by sheepishly without a valid excuse for ourselves. Even if this happens, however, there is always an answer. I wish we both could see the hope.

September 3, 2008


When I watched Monster, Inc. in 2001, I found my self falling in love with the two characters, Sulley and Mike. Their characters were so real, I felt like they were actually living among us, somewhere, somehow. I was tempted to get actions figures of them, but I wanted something more special and unique, not another mass produced toy. And so, I designed my own variation of the two in way that was different from the usual models of them. To make their arms movable, I molded Lego and Bandai model kit pieces in the joints.

August 27, 2008

Urban Circus

Girls in stiletto heels are gorgeous, but also looks kind of unstable to me. The weird thing, however, is I've almost never seen who staggering or falling down because of high heels. They look so skilled in walking, runnig, sometimes even dancing in them.

August 24, 2008

Contours & Croquis

Here are some other nude drawings. hope you liked these.

August 20, 2008


I grew up with watching lots of cartoons and have delightful, nostalgic memories about that. I especially loved robots(should be human size), girl characters(should have their own distinctive weapon and wear an swimsuit-style costume), and cool villains(should be veiled and mysterious) the most.

August 7, 2008

San Francisco Girl

I've yearned to live in San Francisco since I was a kid, yet I don't know why I've gravitated this city so much. I just love it. Finally, I'm going to San Francisco on coming October, Yeh~~!! This girl sk8er is one of my sort of bizzare image about my dream city, San Francisco.

August 3, 2008

Clint Eastwood

While the directors, who are same generation as him, have repeatedly been cloning their own products that they'd already made, Clint Eastwood, unlike them, has created new and different movies. Watching his movies is real pleasure for me. I hope him to direct movies prolifically and live well more for a long time.  

July 26, 2008


This is one of scenes of my imaginary movie.

July 21, 2008

Shooting without Trigger

I saw my first western movie when I was 8 years old, and fortunately, it was one of Sergio Leone's film. After seeing the film, I wanted to watch as many westerns as my parents would allow. I loved pretending to be the cowboys I had seen in the movies. While it was easy to get my parents to let me watch these movies, it was impossible to convince them to buy me a toy gun.

July 12, 2008

Male Nudes

Once I start to draw on paper, I can't put my pencil over the paper until I finished. I need to draw an accurate line I want at once. My hand moves as my eyes' moving. I like this concentrated moments.

July 10, 2008

July 6, 2008

Brad Pitt

Actually, his acting is quite good though people just assume him as one of celebrities. Among his roles he's done I prefer insane stuff than normal such as in 12 Monkeys, True Romance, Fight Club, Snatch and the Jessie James movie.
I drew the left one 5 years ago, and the right one is drawn recently.

July 4, 2008

Run truck run!

I've made a simple plot and painted some possible scenes, as a concept art, based on the story.

July 2, 2008

More nude drawings

Basically, I really do enjoy to draw naked bodies, which I think they are incredibly beautiful and also very functional. Unfortunately there is always a small problem and that is it's hard to find naked model in daily life.

June 8, 2008

April 18, 2008

April 16, 2008


He's the cutest puppy I've ever raised. Though he has a small body and tiny little teeth, he always bark at and try to attack bigger dogs with no hesitating.


He was my English teacher when I was in Kinston, Ontario. When I gave this picture to him for a present at graduation, he looked so happy, so I was happy too.

Run~! MJ!